
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Let Go & Find Simplicity with Nadine Kenney Johnstone
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Be motivated to let go and find simplicity in a time of overwhelm.
Kelly is joined by holistic writing coach, meditation and yoga teacher and author of Come Home to Your Heart, Nadine Kenney Johnstone to share her journey to living more with less.
Nadine and her small family were inspired to let go of the majority of their possessions and the place they once thought would be their forever home to design a more fulfilling lifestyle.
You will learn about several simplicity practises that you can apply to your life to help you remove the excess, slow down, gain greater clarity and keep centred.
Be inspired to let go and pursue the goals and experiences that are closest to your heart.
Nadine’s book: Come Home to Your Heart
Nadine’s Podcast Heart of the Story

Monday Nov 13, 2023
Our Minimalist Lifestyle Systems
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Kelly and Lauren discuss their minimalist lifestyle habits and systems that help them maintain their simple and intentional lifestyles!
Considering living with less requires constant maintenance, Kelly and Lauren discuss some of their key habits that help them keep on track.
You will learn about their work and productivity systems, organizing and cleaning systems, decluttering systems, as well as their morning routines, all in an effort to help you adopt and maintain with your minimalist lifestyle.
Be inspired by Kelly and Lauren’s lifestyle systems and be motivated to adopt healthy habits that will bring simplicity and peace to your every day.
Other habit-focused episodes:
Ep.138 Adopt Minimalist Habits
Ep.136 Simplify Your Life & Make Room for More
Ep.105 Pare Down Your Possessions
Ep.73 Minimalism Crash Course
Book recommendations:
James Clears’ Atomic Habits
BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change Everything
Habit Stacking: 97 small life changes that take five minutes or less!

Monday Oct 30, 2023
Simplify Your Life Today! (with Your Life. Your Terms. Show!)
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Learn everything you need to know about minimalism and adopting a minimalist lifestyle!
Kelly and Lauren are interviewed by the YouTube show and podcast called, Your Life! Your Terms! where they share in a fun and focused conversation with one of the show’s hosts, Anthony Molinaro!
The Your Life! Your Terms! Show is on mission is to help their listeners live life on their own terms! And, adopting a minimalist lifestyle can provide you with the space and time back to do exactly that!
You will learn more about Kelly and Lauren’s lifestyle stories and feel immersed in their conversation as they dive into simplicity, intentional living, and all of the benefits that come with living with less.
Be inspired to let go of the excess in your life and gain more physical space, more headspace, and more of what you truly want out of life!
Watch the full video on the Millennial Minimalists' YouTube Page: Your Life! Your Terms! Show
BetterHelp: Get 10% off your first month of therapy!

Monday Oct 16, 2023
Adopt Zen Habits with Leo Babauta
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
If you are suffering from fear and uncertainty, or feel set back by self-criticism, procrastination, frustration, or overwhelm, this conversation is for you!
Kelly is joined by best-selling author, famed simplicity blogger, podcaster, and husband and father to six, the incredible Leo Babauta to inspire you to let go of unhealthy habits and create better habits that stick!
Leo is widely recognized for his top 25 blog, ZenHabits.net, where he writes about how to implement zen habits and find simplicity and mindfulness in the daily chaos of our lives.
In this discussion, you will learn how to let go of mental clutter, manage distractions, sustain effective focus, and cultivate a greater depth of purpose through mindfulness training.
Plus, most significantly, you will discover how to stop doing and start being!
Zen Habits Podcast
Fearless Living Academy
Leo Babauta’s Retreats
Follow K&L on Instagram & Facebook!

Monday Oct 02, 2023
Pt.2 Your Minimalist Lifestyle Questions & Tips
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Kelly and Lauren had asked you on Instagram and Facebook @millennialminimalists about your lifestyle goals and achievements, and today they are sharing part 2 of their Q&A discussion from last week!
They begin by sharing the rest of your listener responses to the question, ‘what areas of excess do you need help with?’ and they answer your questions about closet clutter, including how to manage maybe items, what to do with items you occasionally wear, how to piece together outfits, and more!
Be inspired by Kelly and Lauren's lifestyle tips and systems and be motivated to continue to manage the excess in your life!
Kindly complete the Millennial Minimalists Listener Feedback Survey Here to Win a one-on-one Simple Living Consultation with Kelly and Lauren over Zoom!
Get 10% off your first month of therapy with BetterHelp
Follow K&L on Instagram & Facebook!

Monday Sep 25, 2023
Pt.1 Your Minimalist Lifestyle Questions & Tips
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Be inspired by all the ways you can simplify your life and be motivated to adopt positive habits to help you live a more fulfilling every day.
Recently on the Millennial Minimalists' Instagram and Facebook pages, Kelly and Lauren asked you about your lifestyle goals and achievements and today they share your responses and their answers to your questions!
The questions they asked included: 1) What have you recently let go of or minimized? And, 2) What is one habit that you have recently adopted to live simply each day?
Plus, together they each share their own responses to these questions including what they are each still working to minimize today and the new, additional habits they are each looking to implement into their lifestyles.
This is part 1 of a 2-part Q&A episode so stayed tuned for part-2 releasing next Monday!
Get 10% off your first month of therapy with BetterHelp
Follow us on Instagram & Facebook!

Monday Sep 11, 2023
Generation Anxiety with Dr. Lauren Cook
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Did you know that Millennials and Gen Z are considered two of the most anxious generations in history?
Kelly speaks with licensed clinical psychologist, best-selling author, and famed TikTok therapist, Dr. Lauren Cook to share insights from her new book, Generation Anxiety, which is a guide that aims to help us stay afloat in our uncertain world.
Dr. Lauren Cook explains that there are three main sharks in our lives that trigger our anxieties, which include: our own minds, society at large, and other people, and she shares self-care strategies to help us identify our anxiety triggers and work through the discomforts.
Plus, she shares how we have the power to ease our feelings by improving our diets and/or by letting go of unhealthy habits that can leave us stuck in cycles of worry and fear.
Be inspired to swim through your anxieties, ease your feelings, and embrace the ride.
Pre-Order Lauren’s Book: Generation Anxiety
Follow Dr. Lauren Cook on Instagram & TikTok
Teach Me How To Adult Podcast w/ Dr. Lauren Cook

Monday Sep 04, 2023
Let’s Talk About Anxiety with Dr. Jud Brewer
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Be inspired to uproot your anxiety and say goodbye to overwhelm!
Kelly and Lauren speak with New York Times Best-Selling Author and Addiction Psychiatrist and Neuroscientist, Dr. Jud Brewer to share insights from his latest international best-seller, Unwinding Anxiety, which shares a clinically proven plan to help us break the cycle that drives anxiety and addictive habits.
You will learn about common anxiety triggers, why we get stuck in habit loops, and how we can begin to train our brains to feel, perform and live better.
Listen to the full original 1-hour episode here
Dr. Jud's website
Dr. Jud on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook
Dr. Jud's TED Talk, A simple way to break a bad habit
Apps to help you manage anxious & addictive behaviours:
Unwinding by Sharecare (app)
Unwinding Anxiety (app)
Eat Right Now (app)
Craving To Quit! (app)

Monday Aug 28, 2023
Minimalist Lifestyle Check in
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Be inspired to manage the mental noise in your life.
Kelly and Lauren share a casual check-in on their minimalist lifestyles including an open discussion about how they are each coping with the stresses of everyday life.
They each share their anxieties and the practices they follow to manage or let go of them. Plus, they discuss how they are setting boundaries in their work and personal lives in an effort to be more intentional with their time and look out for their mental health.
They also share updates on the podcast, including news on an exciting upcoming guest, and more information on Lauren’s closet decluttering course!
Closet Course or e-Guide: mastersimplicity.com
Waking Up Meditation App

Monday Aug 21, 2023
Do Nothing with Celeste Headlee
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
If you feel stressed, overwhelmed, or burdened by daily demands, this conversation is for you!
Kelly and Lauren speak with award-winning journalist, speaker, and author Celeste Headlee to share insights from her national bestseller, Do Nothing: How to Break Away from Overworking, Overdoing, and Underliving.
You will learn how to break away from our society’s unhealthy obsession with busyness and efficiently so that you can reduce feelings of anxiety, work more effectively, and improve your wellbeing.
Celeste argues that we do not need to sabotage our happiness to achieve our goals and she gives examples to how making space for more leisure and rest will help us live and perform better.
Be inspired to reject the idea that you should constantly be doing and start embracing a slower, more intentional lifestyle that allows you to thrive!
Listen to the full episode here
Read the book: Do Nothing
This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Click here to get 10% off your first month of online therapy.